Sound Pack | 2018

This was my first sound pack. I drew inspiration from watching and listening to the news and researched a vast amount of international material. I originally composed 14-20 tracks and made minor edits to another 20-30+.


Sound Pack | 2018

For my second sound pack, I learned a lot from my mistakes in producing the first one. I realized that my preferred genres shouldn't always directly match what I'm composing at the time. While composers have individual styles, their compositions, especially in my field, serve a purpose beyond pure expression. With this sound pack, feedback helped me improve my stingers, loops, and use of synthesizers. It was far from perfect, but I was glad to know what was needed.


Sound Pack | 2018

This was the most difficult project to create; the first step is always the hardest. The closest thing I'd created to an album was in 6th grade when I composed techno-music because I was into Daft Punk. Knowing it would be impossible to create entirely from scratch, I pulled from my past experience. While I did compose music in 6th grade, much of my musical experience came from making mash-ups. This album combines original stingers and loops as rhythms and drums with arranged pop song instrumentals, especially bridges and final choruses, as the framework.


Sound Pack / Album | 2019

Unlike my previous album, which was for radio, this album was for TV broadcasting. I first imagined the visuals before composing, unlike with radio. I envisioned visuals and soundtrack in graceful balance and harmony, like a waltz. Neither works without the other, so adjustments were made when needed. The biggest difference between compositions was the stingers. Stingers for radio have a sudden shock but a "fullness" factor, while TV stingers have a shock but with more smoothness towards the end. I improved my stingers over the years, but at this time, I lacked knowledge in proper mixing.


Sound Pack | 2019

Relief! During this period, I finally had proper mixing equipment and the knowledge to compose music. While the composition experience was more laid-back because I knew what I was doing, and the only fear was the feedback, the unfortunate thing was that I was already deep into my chess studies and training. The period of composing this sound pack, which I would say could already be called an album, was a question of loyalty. I only had 24 hours in a day, and I had to choose between music and chess. I had already decided in grade school that I wanted to do one thing for the rest of my life and die with it; at least even if I became a failure, I would have done what I love doing. That "what" was chess.


Sound Pack / Album | 2021

This was during the pandemic's online classes, and I had to revisit my roots for a project. I wouldn't say this was special or improved, but it was different. I considered it art since it wasn't a competition.


Sound Pack | 2022

I recomposed many of my past works, improving stingers and loops. I wanted to compose a full-length score album, but college didn't leave me enough time.Much of the original recordings and tracks stated above have already been lost.
That said, I am not entirely done with composing, I will be reproducing some tracks of these albums if time wills.